Being brilliant every single day.
Dr. Watkins connects to what I have read in Brain Rules - stress affects learning. Our physiology, the pressure it perceives, affect our ability to process information and our thinking. He says its a DIY lobotomy of the frontal cortex - much closer to evolutionary adaptation when the brain becomes binary in its function - fight/flight or play dead when confronted with threat.
A 200,000 year old software but we did not get the upgrade. 200k years after, our brains still function the way it perceives threat in the environment, the necessity for survival.
Breathe Rhythmically And Through the Heart Everyday - to get to the mid point but have to stay on the positive side and move people towards it.
So it's not just whether one has adrenaline (psyched) or ach-acetylecholine (relaxed) but also whether one is positive (DHEA-dihydroendeansterum--the elixir of youth) or negative emotional state (hormone cortisol). see 23.35 of video (wonderful schema of performance).
Really brilliant insights.